Hip hop dance moves easy
Hip hop dance moves easy

Hip hop dance moves easy free#

You can get the descriptions of these and many more by checking out online, or through free guide books. Some more steps are Crip Walk, Heel Toe, Glide, Walkout, Cupid Shuffle, Soulja Boy, Sponge Bob and a few more. All these dance moves were just a glimpse of what all exciting moves hip hop dancing has to offer! These are a couple of steps that characterize and are inherent to hip hop. ◊ Ask your friends to join you when you go all “Do Harlem Shake!” Infuse any hand movements, as Harlem Shake is meant to be that way! ◊ The basic step calls for movements somewhat resembling the twirling of ribbon that cascades downwards. ◊ Repeat these two steps back and forth, by jerking and grooving your body. ◊ Raise your right shoulder and move your upper torso towards your right, pushing out your left hip, thereby giving you a diagonal look! ◊ Now, repeat the same movement with your left shoulder, diagonalizing with right hips. ◊ Start by standing with both your feet spread with at least a six-inch gap between them. The idea behind this hip hop dance move is to first learn the rules (i.e., steps) and then, forget them and have fun. That was the basic popping step in hip hop dance style. We can also help you choreograph a jaw-dropping wedding dance performance. ◊ Follow that by rolling out the fingertips. You’ve come to the right place Let Duet Dance Studio show you a couple of easy hip hop dance moves that will definitely wow your crowd If you’d like to learn more cool hip hop moves, sign up for our Online Wedding Hip Hop Dance Program. ◊ To come to the end, you are going to do the exact opposite, raise the elbow, keep the wrist down and fingers up and then switch. ◊ Here, by the time you raise the opposite shoulder, the arm you started with has to be straightened out. ◊ Now raise that shoulder and then the opposite shoulder. ◊ Raise both your palms and elbow and drop the wrist. ◊ At this point, your elbow should be underneath your waist, and the hand should be pointing down. ◊ Your hand has to be dropped straight up to your wrist. ◊ Follow that up by dropping the rest of your fingers till your real knuckles. Drop your fingers till your middle knuckles, for them to form a 90 degree angle. ◊ Now, the key is to slowly move a certain part of your arm. It has to be below your chest, about a foot and a half away from your body.

hip hop dance moves easy

◊ Begin with putting your right hand in a flat karate chop position. Hip Hop Dance Moves for Beginners Popping 16K 3.1M views 4 years ago Beginner Hip Hop Dance Tutorials Dance Tutorial for Easy Kids Choreography (AGES 4+) from one of my hip hop classes.

Hip hop dance moves easy